
Privacy Policy

Privacy : A Promise We Keep.
  Policy : A Text That Empower. 

Riddhi Technology Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 15 January 2024

Information Collection

At Riddhi Technology, we are committed to transparency and safeguarding your privacy. When you engage with our innovative Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services, we may collect various types of information to enhance your experience:

IVR Services

Our IVR services may involve the collection of voice recordings, caller ID information, and interaction history. These details help us tailor our services to your preferences and provide you with a personalized and efficient experience.

Software Development Services

When utilizing our cutting-edge Software Development services, we may collect essential information such as contact details, usage data, and error logs. This information aids us in refining and optimizing our software solutions to meet your specific needs.

Digital Marketing Services

For our dynamic Digital Marketing services, we may collect contact details, online identifiers (e.g., cookies, IP addresses), and marketing preferences. This information allows us to tailor our marketing communications and deliver relevant content based on your interests.

How We Use Your Information

Your trust is paramount to us, and we want you to understand how we use the information we collect. We utilize the gathered data to:

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